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Currently reading

Free Radicals: The Secret Anarchy of Science
Michael Brooks
The Meaning of Night (The Meaning of Night #1)
Michael Cox
Bennett Cerf
Monsters and Demons: From Goblins and Ghouls to Fiends and Fairies A Complete Compendium of Mythological Beasts
Charlotte Montague
The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Betty Edwards
The Secret Books of Paradys III & IV (Secret Books of Paradys, #3-4)
Tanith Lee
Lighthouse Island: A Novel
Paulette Jiles
Evolution: The Story of Life
Douglas Palmer
The Lover's Path: An Illustrated Novel
Kris Waldherr
The 5th Wave
Rick Yancey
Until I Find You - John Irving Horribly uneven.

At one point, I was almost regretting the fact that I finish everything I start reading. If there ever was a book that I couldn't finish, this was almost it.

MUCH too long.

There were nearly no likeable characters.

Reading this was a chore to be endured. I only started enjoying the book round about page 519.